Sunday, September 17, 2006

God & Prayer

This week, we had His Grace Archbishop Nicholas Chia come to share with us about God & Prayer, the third instalment of the God & Life Series.

He shared about the importance of prayer and how do we as individuals ensure that we are praying the right way. Here's some notes you might find useful:


What is PRAYER?
* Prayer is not just external ritual.
* Prayer is a dialogue – more listening than speaking. Story of Samuel. Speak lord your servant is speaking not the other way round

Forms of PRAYER:

Praise: Worshipping in the highest most personal way, worshipping God’s greatness and love

Thanksgiving: Offering our prayers in return for God’s gifts to us. Gratitude for body, mind and life. Am I grateful or do I complain?

Confession: Telling God about our sins, failures, sharing these to experience forgiveness, examination of conscience, daily repentance.

Petition: Asking for needs of healthy, strength, and Christians. Praying for the sick, our enemies, those who witness Christ and those who need Him. Asking God to teach us to live Christian lives, solve problems we can’t solve alone. Offer sacrifice for others, people who have no one to prayer for them.

When shall I PRAY?

Anytime: God doesn’t have office hours. God wants to be in communion with us, knocking at the door of our heart.

Alone: when you have time for personal mediation. Be still and know that your spontaneous flash prayers during the day are God

At special times: Religious holidays of remembrance of Joy. In time of tragedy or need.

In fellowship: with your congregation in prayer groups. At home with you your family.

For effective PRAYER:

1. Be prepared in mind & heart; put away other tasks and read scripture before praying.
2. Realise the presence of Christ in your life, feel His nearness (Matt 28:20)
3. Beconfident, pray with faith, and expect your prayers to be answered (Matt 21:22)
4. Devote yourself to God with all your love & desire, put yourself totally in His control, surrender your life to Him
5. Discipline yourself in your daily life, be consistent, be persistent
6. Be receptive to God’s message to you, accept His wisdom, don’t preach to God. God knows what is right & best to us because He is a loving God.


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