Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mosaic - Art in Me (CJC Retreat 2006)

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Amplify and other various youth ministries will be helming the upcoming CJC J1 Retreat this Friday, 20 October 2006. It's a one and a half day event that will end on Saturday night.

We need your prayers and spiritual support! Pray for us :)

Will update you on how it went...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

My Glorious!

My Glorious

For the past two Fridays, we had Leonard Koh (a.k.a. Amplify's Coordinator) to share with us about the Greatness and the Glory of God.

The first part (6 Oct) covered the immense greatness of God and how crucial it is to worship him and magnify Him all of our days.

Leonard used a simple analogy - the microscope & telescope example. It is easy to overlook how God despite being so BIG, cares about each molecule and atom of our body. We may be miniscule creatures in the entire world population, but God knows us personally. Instead of taking God for granted, we should magnify and recognise Him as the Alpha and Omega, the Source, the Originator. The one who makes all things.

We are all of God. God is for You not against You. It's important to trust in Him. He knows what we need and all we have to do is to give to Him freely. For Him, to Him, through Him.

The second part (13 Oct) is all about the Glory of God. It's up to us in our humility to reach out to Him - to live our life for Him. Our purpose is His purpose - the alignment of our lives with what He wants us to do.

Leonard quoted A.W. Tozer:

"Now, if it right for men to have the Glory of God as his goal, can it be wrong for God to have the same goal? If man can have no higher purpose than God's Glory, how can God?

If it is wrong for man to seek a lesser end than this. It will be wrong for God too. The reason it cannot be right for man to live for himself as if he were God its because he is not God. However it cannot be wrong for God to seek His own Glory simply because He is God." - A.W. Tozer

Surrendering to God might seem like a long stretch but think about when He sent his son to die for mankind. No one will give up what's precious to them. No one but GOD. The crucifixion was a permanent display of God's love for us.

If God can use our sins and leverage it for His glory, imagine what He can do with your life. Your weaknesses, failures, inadequencies - lift it up to God. Surrender and trust Him. Live for God.

For a more detailed lowdown on what Leonard covered, here's some links that best summarised what he talked about:

My Glorious!
The Purpose of His life: His Glory

Do swing by his blog at for more inspirational reflections, teachings and quotes! :)