Saturday, July 22, 2006

Blood Covenants - Part One


And so, today marked the first installment of Blood Covenants - a 4 part series helmed by Freddy Gomez.

We're sure you left CSC (Catholic Spirituality Centre), enriched and refreshed. It's good to see so many of you gathered together to praise and hear His word.

Isn't it just nice to come together like one big family after a long day at school or at work - after an entire week! I certainly felt the love. With new faces and the familiar, it was such a joy to see so many people of God.
I'm really really excited. I'm excited because the next 3 weeks are going to be a blast too!

You know, I look forward to coming to Friday prayer meetings every week simply because I know God is there waiting for me to recharge in his goodness and I love to be with more of God's people. I'm just filled with anticipation!

To all those who weren't there, not to worry, it's still not too late to come for the rest of the series! It's really worth coming for, trust me, with a dynamic speaker like Freddy, who can resist coming.

So don't forget, next Friday, 8pm sharp, we'll see you there! :)

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