Saturday, September 02, 2006

God & Friends

God & Friends

Yesterday night, we kickstarted the first session of the God + Life Series.

The topic was God & Friends. Amplify Co-ordinator Leonard Koh gave a very enriching sharing and he brought home the fact that most of us are influenced by our friends and we all tend graviate towards those the people who are most accepting of us. If that friend is a good role model then all the better, if not, then we should be aware and make a wise decision.

This verse sums it all:

Proverbs 13:20 - "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm."

At the end, our friendship with God is most important and good friends encourge and do not hinder our relationship with Him.

This God + Life series is made up of four parts, and the following three will be on subsequent Fridays as such:

8 Sept: God & Me
15 Sept: God & Church
22 Sept: God & Work/Studies

Freddy Gomez will be helming next week's session and he'll be touching on how we as individuals can live a Christian-centred life; one that's victorious and good.

We hope to see YOU there! :)

Where: Catholic Spirtuality Centre, 1261 Upper Serangoon Road. Click HERE for directions.
When: Fridays, 8pm
What: God + Life Series
Who: Amplify Ministries.


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